
书与书的游戏——《玫瑰的名字》叙事结构论 被引量:3

Game of Books:Narrative Structure of The Name of the Rose
摘要 意大利著名作家翁伯托.艾科的《玫瑰的名字》是一场书与书之间的游戏盛宴,这种叙述策略艺术地构筑起其开放文本和百科全书般叙事结构。书名暗示文本无限符号性和阐释可能性;书前后的附加事项构成叙述主框架,表明手稿叙述之叙述、翻译之翻译的性质;文中书与书的关联在故事情节和叙述形式风格中得以建立。早先维特根斯坦、圣经、亚里士多德、爱伦.坡、博尔博斯等著述中的元素在书中不断被加以利用和改写,小说写作变成一种书籍对话和博弈游戏。但批判性的读者却能从游戏式文本中领略昨日玫瑰和永恒思想之华严。 The Name of the Rose written by the famous Italian writer Umberto Eco is a game of books, and the employment of this narrative strategy artistically contributes to the open text and encyclopedic narrative structure. The name of the novel indicates infinite semiosis and potential of textual interpretation ; the items at the beginning and at the end of the novel form the main narrative frame, to clarify the nature of the manuscript characterized by narrative of narrative, translation of translation ; the links of books are established through plots and formal style of the story. The elements of earlier works like Wittgenstein, Bible, Aristotle, Allen Poe, and Borges and so on are weaved into the texture of the book, turning novel writing into the dialogue and game triggered by a multitude of books. But the critical reader is able to seize the splendor of yesterday' s rose and eternal ideas within the playful text.
作者 朱桃香
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期110-114,119,共6页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
关键词 《玫瑰的名字》 手稿 书籍 游戏 叙事结构 The Name of the Rose manuscript books game narrative structure
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  • 2刘佳林.火焰中的玫瑰——解读《玫瑰之名》[J].当代外国文学,2001,22(2):129-134. 被引量:3
  • 3[3]Umberto Eco.The Name of the Rose[M].Translated from Italian by William Weaver.Vintage,2004.
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  • 6[6]Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan.Narrative Fiction:Contemporary Poetics[M].London and New York:Methuen,1983.Reprinted in 1986.
  • 7[7]Umberto Eco; Adelaida Lopez; Marithelma Costa; Donald Tucker.Interview:Umberto Eco[J].Diacritics,Vol.17,No.1.(Spring,1987).
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  • 1袁洪庚.影射与戏拟:《玫瑰之名》中的“互为文本性”研究[J].外国文学评论,1997(4):43-50. 被引量:10
  • 2.《古希腊罗马哲学》[M].商务印书馆,1961年版.第112页.
  • 3艾柯等.《诠释与过度诠释》.三联书店,1997年.P152;168.
  • 4梯利.《西方哲学史》(上),葛力译,商务印书馆,1975年,第234页.
  • 5See Michel Foucattlt, The Order of Things, New York: Vintages Books, 1994, p.26.
  • 6《十六—十八世纪西欧各国哲学》,北京大学哲学系编译,商务印书馆,1975年,第13—14页.
  • 7米·巴赫金.《拉伯雷的创作与中世纪和文艺复兴时期的民间文化》.《巴赫金全集·第六卷》,李兆林,夏忠宪等译,河北教育出版社,1998年,第332-333页,334页,327页.
  • 8《大正藏》48卷.











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