Objective: To investigate the comparison method on internal control of hematology analyzer by using fresh blood. Methods: The hematology analyzer with well function was selected as the reference analyzer, fresh blood samples from healthy subjects were measured by reference analyzer and the values were used to calibrate compared hematology analyzers. The acceptable limits of relative deviation of WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, PLT were established by comparative experiments during three months. The results of fresh blood samples from patients with low/medium/high levels measured by compared analyzer were compared with those from reference analyzer, the relative deviation of WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, PLT was calculated respectively. The internal quality control charts in laboratory information system were established, with date as x-axis, relative deviation as y-axis. The acceptable relative deviation limits were set to be ± 2 s,and to be used for laboratory quality control. Results. The relative deviation of WBC,RBC,HGB,HCT,PLT with high,medium,low levels were(0.75±2. 964)%, (1.19±2.488)%,(1.43±2.439)% ; (-0.39±1.327)%,(-0.26±1.297)%,(-0.35± 1.095)% ;(-0.43±1.393)%,(-0.17±1. 139)%,(0.24±1.166)%; (-0.43±1.362)%, (-0.36±1.381)%,(-0.57±1.299)%;(-0.93±4.330)%,(0.04±4.118)%,(-0.41± 4. 149)% ,respectively in 2006. As the second instrument,the compared analyzer was involved in College of American Pathologists Proficiency Testing with satisfactory results,the bias of WBC, RBC,HGB,HCT,PLT were within (-0.5~5.1)%,(-1.0~1.6)%,(-1.7~1.4)%, (-1.5~1.3) %, (-4.5~7.4)%, respectively. Collelusion: The quality control on compared hematology analyzer can be effectively ,conveniently and economically performed using this method.
Journal of Zhejiang University(Medical Sciences)