白金大厦的地中海别墅似悬浮在城市上空,在鳞次栉比的楼宇背景中凸显这座豪华的高层大厦与众不同。Nabil Gholam建筑设计公司(以下简称NGAP,位于黎巴嫩贝鲁特市)与建筑师Ricardo Boffil联手设计了白金大厦,并使其成为了海滨区最醒目的建筑。
In the Beirut skyline cluttered with lifeless concrete shells, Platinum Tower's Mediterranean villas suspended over the city avoids commercial pastiche gimmicks, offering instead a sober, poised solution to the difficult problem of a luxury high-rise building in a traditional yet chaotic setting. From the outset, Platinum Tower was designed by Nabil Gholam Architecture and Planning (NGAP - Beirut, Lebanon) with Ricardo Boffil (Barcelona, Spain) to be the most prestigious building on this coastal seafront.
Landscape Design