整个建筑的外部(包括屋顶)都包含在艺术家伊罗娜·雷娜德即兴所绘的素描中,原F-Side高层公寓里的居民可以看到新住宅区的屋顶,设计师将建筑的外壁与屋顶设计相互统一,每处外壁场采用6mm厚的冷铸铝板贴面。ONL建筑设计事务所和Centraal Staal公司采用船舶制造技术,在这些预制铝板上压印三维图案,
The intuitive sketch by Ilona Lénárd has been wrapped around the exterior of the housing blocks, including the roof. The view on the roof is important since the residents of the remaining parts of the original F-Zuid high rise apartment building has a view on the roofscape. The sketch unifies the 3d facade landscape with the 3d roofscape. The facade is composed of 6 mm cold formed aluminum plates, each of them unique in its 3d "impressive" imprint pattern.
Landscape Design