为克服草坪地人工除草难度大、不彻底、费工费时和影响草坪地美观等弊端,采用20%氟草烟RS60 mL/667m2、20%氟草烟RS 30 mL/667m2+10%甲磺隆WP 3 g/667m2防治草坪地阔叶杂草,10%草甘磷AS 200倍手套涂抹法(橡皮水套+棉布手套)防治草坪禾本科杂草,草坪宁7#450 mL/667m2防治草坪地香附子,效果均在90%以上,对草坪草生长安全。
The test was conducted to investigate the effect of chemical weedicides on controlling weeds of lawn to overcome the drawback of artificial weeding with high cost and difficulty. The results show that 20% fluroxypyr RS (60 mL/667m^2) and 20% fluroxypyr RS (30 mL/667m^2)+ 10% metsulfuron-methyl WP (3 g/667m^2) can effectively control hardwood weeds, 10% glyphosate AS (200 times) can effectively control grassy weeds and Caopingning 7^# (450 mL/667m^2) can control Cyperus rotundus L. Their control effect is over 90% without affecting grass growth.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences