

Concentration of Banks & Efficiency in China:A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
摘要 基于1995—2004年14家国内银行的面板数据,运用动态面板方法实证分析我国银行市场结构(集中度)与效率发现:市场结构动态变化在银行效率的动态变化中有显著的正相关关系,总资产、权益资本与银行效率呈负相关关系,贷款余额与银行效率是正相关关系,而银行存款对银行效率的作用不太明显。再通过面板VAR分析发现,各变量显著性水平都有很大的提高,说明"纯粹"影响显著地提高模型的解释能力,但回归系数都比之前显著减少,同时净利润因为"纯粹"影响的分解,其共线性已经不存在,却显著地影响银行效率。 Based on the dynamic panel data of 14 China banks from 1995 to 2004, the paper studies the relationship between the Bank concentration and efficiency. The evidence shows that concentration boosts bank efficiency. Meanwhile, the relationship between the loadable funds and bank efficiency is significantly positive, and the relationship between the total capital, the equate capital and bank efficiency is significantly negative, and the level of significance reduces except the bank concentration. Using the panel var, the paper finds all of the level of significance increase, while the coefficiency of regression decreases, and the net profit is positive to efficiency. Except the deposit funds, other variables are the "statistical " reasons for efficiency.
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期50-54,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 银行市场结构 银行效率 动态面板 面板VAR bank structure bank efficiency dynamic panel data panel VAR
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