
γ-GTP对香菇热风干燥香气形成的影响及其性质研究 被引量:15

Study on property of γ-GTP and its influence on formation of arom compounds during lentinus edodes' hot-air drying
摘要 结合感官评定以及对照实验,分析热风干燥过程香菇中γ-GTP活力与其香味形成的关系。香菇中γ-GTP的活力决定了香菇干燥过程中大蒜气味的强度,且在时间上具有同步性,可认为香菇中γ-GTP是香菇干燥过程中香气形成的关键酶。通过单因素分析确定了香菇中γ-GTP的最佳反应温度为40℃,最佳反应pH为9.0。干燥过程中温度的变化是影响γ-GTP活力的最主要因素。 The relationships between activity of γ-GTP and formation of arom compounds during lentinus edodes' hot-air drying was studied by olfactometry and control experiment, Results show that γ-GTP could be regard as the key enzyme on formation of arom compounds since its activity was synchronized with the formation of arom like garlic, According to single factor experiment, the optimal reaction condition of γ-GTP were.. 40℃, pH7.0. Temperature was the primary factor on influence of γ-GTP activity during the dehydration process.
作者 芮汉明 郭凯
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期153-155,共3页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 香菇 γ-GTP 香气 热风干燥 lentinus edodes γ- GTP- arom hot- air drving
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