以三维参数化造型软件SolidWorks2005为绘图支撑软件,结合Visual Basic6.0对SolidWorks2005进行二次开发,实现薄膜蒸发器的虚拟装配设计。通过建立薄膜蒸发器的装配模型、装配顺序及装配路径,配合约束关系并对过程装配进行干涉检查,确保薄膜蒸发器虚拟装配过程的高效性和可靠性。薄膜蒸发器虚拟装配设计的开发对缩短产品开发周期、提高产品设计质量、优化产品结构设计具有显著意义。
The virtual assembly design of Thin-Fibn Evaporator was realized under 3D parametric modeling software SolidWorks 2005 drawing environment combined with the secondary development of SolidWorks based on VB. The high efficiency and reliability for the virtual assembly process of Thin-Film Evaporator was ensured by establishing the assembly layer, assembly sequence and assembly path, matching the constraint relation and making the interference detection during assembling process. The development of virtual assembly design of Thin-Film Evaporator has remarkable significance for shorting the exploiting cycle, improving the design quality and optimizing the structure design.
Light Industry Machinery