Yue Daiyun, professor of Peking University and president Of China Academy of Comparative Literature Society, was interviewed in September, 2007, by Professor Zou Yueqi, correspondent of Foreign Literature Studies, on her lecturing tour at Central China Normal University ( Wuhan, China). This interview covers topics ranging from the development of China' s Comparative Literature study, Chinese scholars' role in the world' s Comparative Literature, relationship between influence study and parallel study, characteristics of interdisciplinary study, to the scope and major functions of Comparative Literature. Prof. Yue points out that Comparative Literature does not mean any study on the comparative basis but that which satisfies two conditions: it must be a cross-cultural or interdisciplinary study, and a literary study. She believes that China' sComparative Literature is neither something that came into being all by itself, or something borrowed from abroad ; instead, it grows in its own way and embodies the features of the 3rd stage of the world' s Comparative Literature. According to her, the function and goal of Comparative Liter- ature is to achieve the mutual recognition, mutual supplementation, and interaction between literatures of different cultural systems. Prof. Yue also believes that interdisciplinary literary study, especially that based on the combination between literary study and natural science study, will help create a new beginning of the world's Comparative Literature. Furthermore, Prof. Yue emphasizes that Chinese Comparative Literature scholars in their unique way have exploited some new domains like literary anthropology as a new subject, translatology as an independent subject,and the combined study of overseas Chinese literature and Diaspora literature. Based on the principles of Comparative Literature, reading literary works in the multicuhural context helps to achieve a better understanding of literatures in a contrastive way, and the study of different literary histories helps discover the pedigree of literary growth. Finally, Prof. Yue suggests four methods of reading from the perspective of Comparative Literature: conventional reading or interpretation according to the author' s environment and will, interpretation through the literary text, interpretation through the structure of the work, and interpretation through the readers themselves.
Foreign Literature Studies
Comparative Literature in China the 3rd stage interdisciplinary study parallel study major functions of Comparative Literature reading modes