
文本、文学与文化:中国比较文学发展的动力——乐黛云教授访谈录 被引量:7

Text,Literature and Culture:Impetus for Comparative Literature in China
摘要 乐黛云先生是北京大学中文系教授、博士生导师,长期担任中国比较文学学会会长,是中国当代最杰出的比较文学学者之一。2007年9月,她与其先生汤一介教授受华中师范大学的邀请,来到美丽的桂子山上讲学,本刊记者邹岳奇就有关中国比较文学的发展道路、中国比较文学学者对世界比较文学所作出的贡献及其在世界比较文学史上的地位、影响研究与平行研究的关系、跨学科研究的特性、比较文学的研究范围、比较文学的三大功能等问题,向乐黛云教授作了一次访谈。乐黛云教授就这些问题一一作了回答。首先,乐黛云教授指出,我们所说的比较文学具有特定的内容,不是任何用比较方法从事的文学研究都是比较文学,它必须满足两个条件:一个是跨文化或跨学科,另一个是文学研究。其次,她认为中国的比较文学既不是古已有之,也不是舶来品,而有着自己独特的发展道路,正因如此,它才成为世界比较文学发展第三阶段的集中体现。再次,她认为比较文学的功能与目标在于实现有关不同文化体系中即异质文化之间文学的"互识"、"互补"和"互证"。如果说"互识"只是对不同文化间文学的认识、解读和欣赏,那么"互证"则是以不同文学为例证,寻求对某些共同问题的认识或不同的应和,以达成共识。"互补",首先指相互吸收,取长补短;同时也以原来存在于一种文化中的思维方式去解读(或误读)另一种文化的文本,因而获得对该文本全新的诠释和理解。第四,她指出中国学者在比较文学的平行研究方面有着自己独到的收获;跨学科的文学研究特别是自然科学与文学研究之间的整合,必将为世界文学理论的发展翻开全新的一页。第五,她认为中国比较文学学者开拓出了一些新的领域:一是学科理论的新探索;二是文学人类学新学科的建立;三是翻译作为一门独立学科的出现;四是海外华人文学与流散文学(Diaspora)的相遇;五是关于文学关系的清理。第六,她认为多元文化中对不同文学的欣赏和辨析,可以提供我们多种多样的欣赏的快乐和在对照中对不同文学进行深入的理解;比较文学研究多种文学史,就能发现文学的生长点及其发展的谱系。最后,她提出了从比较文学的角度阅读作品的四种方式:一是传统的方式,即通过作家的环境、作家的意愿来解释;二是通过作品本身来解释;三是通过作品的整体结构来解释;四是通过读者。 Yue Daiyun, professor of Peking University and president Of China Academy of Comparative Literature Society, was interviewed in September, 2007, by Professor Zou Yueqi, correspondent of Foreign Literature Studies, on her lecturing tour at Central China Normal University ( Wuhan, China). This interview covers topics ranging from the development of China' s Comparative Literature study, Chinese scholars' role in the world' s Comparative Literature, relationship between influence study and parallel study, characteristics of interdisciplinary study, to the scope and major functions of Comparative Literature. Prof. Yue points out that Comparative Literature does not mean any study on the comparative basis but that which satisfies two conditions: it must be a cross-cultural or interdisciplinary study, and a literary study. She believes that China' sComparative Literature is neither something that came into being all by itself, or something borrowed from abroad ; instead, it grows in its own way and embodies the features of the 3rd stage of the world' s Comparative Literature. According to her, the function and goal of Comparative Liter- ature is to achieve the mutual recognition, mutual supplementation, and interaction between literatures of different cultural systems. Prof. Yue also believes that interdisciplinary literary study, especially that based on the combination between literary study and natural science study, will help create a new beginning of the world's Comparative Literature. Furthermore, Prof. Yue emphasizes that Chinese Comparative Literature scholars in their unique way have exploited some new domains like literary anthropology as a new subject, translatology as an independent subject,and the combined study of overseas Chinese literature and Diaspora literature. Based on the principles of Comparative Literature, reading literary works in the multicuhural context helps to achieve a better understanding of literatures in a contrastive way, and the study of different literary histories helps discover the pedigree of literary growth. Finally, Prof. Yue suggests four methods of reading from the perspective of Comparative Literature: conventional reading or interpretation according to the author' s environment and will, interpretation through the literary text, interpretation through the structure of the work, and interpretation through the readers themselves.
作者 邹建军
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期1-11,共11页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 中国比较文学 第三阶段 跨学科研究 平行研究 三大功能 阅读方式 Comparative Literature in China the 3rd stage interdisciplinary study parallel study major functions of Comparative Literature reading modes
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