
CALL的建构主义教学实践 被引量:8

CALL Study Based on Constructivism
摘要 多媒体外语学习的成功与否,一方面取决于多媒体软件的开发,另一方面在于教学软件的利用和课程设计。针对目前计算机硬件条件成熟、外语学习软件较多、但教学和学习理论指导不足的情况,本文结合教学实践做了相关的调查,在此基础上集中讨论多媒体外语学习的相关理论,及其在教学实践中的指导意义。其结论是,多媒体外语教学和学习有很大的潜力可挖掘,但理论上还没有完全成熟。 Whether a multi-media foreign language learning is successful or not depends in part on the development of software and also on its application and syllabus design. Under the current conditions, computer hardware has been arrived at its mature stage and foreign language learning software is available, while learning theory is not strong enough to instruct teaching practice. The paper, based on its relative investigation in teaching, mainly discusses problems on multimedia foreign language learning and its application in teaching. The conclusion is that though multimedia-based language learning lacks mature theory, its practice is potentially open.
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 2008年第1期34-37,78,共5页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
关键词 多媒体外语学习 建构主义 教学设计 Multi-Media Language Learning Constructivism Syllabus Design
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