
专用气候数据空间插值软件ANUSPLIN及其应用 被引量:188

Introduction of the Professional Interpolation Software for Meteorology Data:ANUSPLINN
摘要 空间化的气候数据作为环境因子参数是区域气候模型和地学模型的基础,而插值软件是实现气候观测点数据空间化的工具。ANUSPLIN基于薄盘样条函数理论,引入多个影响因子作为协变量进行气象要素空间插值,大大提高插值精度,且能同时进行多个表面的空间插值,对时间序列的气象要素更加适合。 Spatial grid metrological data is an essential environmental factor for various geo-model and climate-model, and the interpolation software is a tool to make the data space-dependent. As a specially designed interpolation package for meteorological data, ANUSPLIN has advantages of its solid theory of thin plate spline function, high interpolation accuracy by the incorporation of parametric linear sub-model, in addition to the independent spline variables. Furthermore, it is more suitable for time ~,xies of meteorolcgical data by processing one morn surface layer one time, So many contents of ANUSPLIN, such as the interpolation theory, main data flows, parameters setting, rachel selection, statistic analyses and input-output formats are introduced through an example. It is expected that this paper is helpful for the researchers to use the ANUSPLIN morn easily.
出处 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期92-100,共9页 Meteorological Monthly
基金 中澳合作项目(ACIARPROJECT,NO.LWR1/2002/018) 中国科学院西部之光项目B183/2004
关键词 气象数据 空间插值 ANUSPLIN meteorology data interpolation ANUSPLIN
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