This report focus on studying the changing trend of prevalence of relative high blood pressure in Chinese college students, by using the data of National Surveillences on Physical Fitness and Health of Chinese School Students hold in 1991 and 1995, respectively. The result showed that both the means of systolic and diastolic blood pressures of the students in 1995, both for male and fe-male, and both for those came from the urban and rural areas, were mildly higher than that in 1991.The incidence of various kinds of high blood pressure also showed a rising tendency. Most of the stu-dents with high blood pressure, however, belonged to the mild patients whose blood pressures were just mildly higher than the P95of the norm. It was also found the prevalence of high blood pressure was relatively higher in the North, East North, West North and East arreas, than in the South and South-West areas in China. Factors for causing the rising tendency of the prevalence of high blood pressure was analysed, and the early intervene strategies and methods for the prevention of cardiovas-cular diseases in school health practice in the Chinese colleges and universities were discussed by the author.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor
Chinese college students, Relative high blood pressure, Geographic variation,Trend analysis