
参数扰动的RLC低通滤波器的随机共振 被引量:1

Stochastic Resonance in an RLC Low-Pass Filter with Fluctuating Parameter
摘要 研究了RLC低通滤波器在电导受到非对称双值色噪声扰动时的随机共振现象.利用随机平均法和Shap iro-Log inov公式,得到了平均输出幅度增益的精确表达式.分析表明,在欠阻尼、临界阻尼和过阻尼RLC低通滤波器中,平均输出幅度增益对电导噪声的非对称性、相关时间、强度和信号频率都存在非单调依赖关系.适当的噪声和系统参数条件可以使有噪声时系统的平均输出幅度增益大于没有噪声时系统的平均输出幅度增益.噪声可以提高滤波器对高频信号的衰减率.恰当的条件可以获得平均输出幅度增益的最大值. The stochastic resonance phenomenon in an RLC low-pass filter with conductance fluctuation subjected to asymmetric dichotomous noise is investigated. By using the random average method and Shapiro-Loginov formula, the exact solution of the average output amplitude gain (OAG) is obtained. Numerical results show that OAG depends non-monotonically on the asymmetry, the correlation time and the intensity of the noise as well as the frequency of the signal in an under-damped, criticaldamped or over-damped filter in detail. In the case of appropriate noise and system parameter, the OAG can be larger with noise than without noise. The attenuation rate of the filter can be increased by the noise for high frequency signal. The maximum OAG can be achieved in the proper case.
出处 《测试技术学报》 2008年第1期90-94,共5页 Journal of Test and Measurement Technology
关键词 RLC低通滤波器 平均输出幅度增益 随机共振 欠阻尼 临界阻尼 过阻尼 RLC low-pass filters output amplitude gain stochastic resonance under-damp critical-damp over-damp
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