本文将对农药登记试验单位管理系统的开发与应用进行全面地介绍。根据实际审批情况,我们选择WebService XML技术进行系统开发。该系统较好地实现了对农药试验单位农药试验安排的监督管理。目前系统正式运行,截止到2007年12月,已收到试验协议559份,试验报告26份。
The foundation organizations, which engaged and application of in the trials for pestic According to the true situation in registration, this administration system for supervising the ide registration was intrduced in this paper. system based on WebService XMLwas built. This system was used by ICAMA for the supervision and management of the arrangement of pesticide trials scheduled by ICAs, Up to Dec. 2007, 559 agreements for trial and 26 experimental reports.were received by ICAMA
Pesticide Science and Administration