
西方国际和谐论及其批评 被引量:1

On Western Theory of International Harmony
摘要 西方新现实主义、新自由主义和建构主义三大理论分别开出了实现国际和谐的三种"药方":权力妥协论、制度协调论和认同和谐论。权力妥协是和谐的胚胎,制度协调是一种初级和谐,而认同和谐属高级和谐。权力妥协论的冲突本质决定其权力路径的缺陷,制度协调论由于难以摆脱权力对制度的影响,无法保证其公正性和有效性,而认同和谐论的问题在于能否实现国家间和谐观念的认同。 Three schools of the different prescriptions to implement western neo realism, neo-liberalism and constructivism open international harmony: power compromise, institution concert and identity of harmony. The power compromise is an embryo of harmony. The institution concert is a kind of initial harmony. The harmony of identity is a kind of high level harmony. The power compromise is a conflict theory which can't lead to harmony. It's difficult for the theory of institution concert to guarantee Justice and effect because it can' t be free from the influence of power. The problem of the harmony theory of identity lies in if the harmony view can't be implemented among nations.
作者 刘骞 刘胜湘
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第1期70-75,共6页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
关键词 西方国际和谐论 权力妥协 制度协调 认同和谐 theory of Western international harmony power compromise institution concert harmony of identity
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