
平坦信道下的MIMO信道估计误差分析 被引量:1

Channel Estimation Error Analysis in MIMO Flat Channel
摘要 基于导频序列推导了频率平坦多输入多输出(MIMO)信道下的最小二乘信道估计(LS)误差;将信道估计误差等效为高斯噪声,推导了信道估计条件下系统的等效信噪比,提出了用系统的等效信噪比来分析和评估在信道估计误差条件下系统的误码性能;最后用等效信噪比的方法评估了ZF-V-BLAST算法在信道估计下的性能,结果表明和计算机仿真结果基本相吻合。 The least - squares channels estimation error in multiple antennas is derived in fiat fading channels. When channels estimated error is equivalent to Gaussian noise, the equivalent Signal - to - Noise Ratio (SNR) is deduced, which may be used to evaluate and analyze tile impact of channel estimate error on the system and evaluate the quality of the train sequence designed. The performance of ZF - V - BLAST algorithm is evaluated and analyzed under the LS channel estimation error by equivalent SNR method. The result is basically accord to the performance of ZF - V - BLAST receiver based on computer simulation.
出处 《电讯技术》 2008年第2期16-19,共4页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 2005年浙江省青年教师计划资助项目 2006年宁波市自然科学基金项目(2006A610019)
关键词 无线通信 多输入多输出 空时信号处理 信道估计 wireless communications MIMO space - time process channel estimation
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