[目的]了解嫖客性行为和安全套使用情况,为科学地制订嫖客、暗娼行为干预措施提供依据。[方法]2007年1月26 ̄30日清点眉山市区15家低价格场所近4d使用过的安全套及访谈嫖客30名。[结果]安全套清点结果为近4d58个暗娼接客总数367次,清点使用过的安全套132个,安全套平均使用率为35.97%;暗娼平均接客数为6.3个。访谈30个嫖客,27人认为自己没有感染艾滋病的危险或可能性小;15人在过去的商业性性行为中没有使用或较少使用安全套;不用套的主要原因:11人是因为"不舒服"、"没得感觉"、"麻烦",5人是因为与暗娼"熟悉"、"信得过"、"放心"。[结论]低价格商业性性交易的安全套使用率低,高文化程度者使用安全套较多,嫖客对自身感染艾滋病的风险缺乏足够认识,应在对暗娼干预的同时开展对嫖客的干预,以提高商业性交易中的安全套使用率。
[Objective] To investigate the status of using condom and sexual behavior of sex consumers, so as to provide basis for scientifically formulate the behavior intervention for sex consumers and unlicensed prostitute. [ Methods ] Face to face talks with sex consumers were conducted, while the investigation on the condom use in 15 low cost sites was undertaken in Meishan city during Jan.26^th-30th. [ Results] As the investigation shows. 58 prostitutes offer sexual services 367 times in 4 days and the total consumption of condom is 132. setting the utilizing condom rate being 35.79%; Prostitutes offers sexualservices 6.3 times per day. Through talking with 30 sex consumers, 27 of them saw rare risk of being infected with AIDS; 15 of them never or seldom apply condom in their past sex consumption; Further, 11 of them express their concern as "Not comfort- able". "No feeling". "Troublesome", while 5 of them state that they are familiar with the prostitutes. [Conclusion] Low cost commercial sex activities see low rate of condom using while well-educated ones much more turn to use condom, sex consumers are lack of knowledge regarding the risk of AIDS; therefore, it is recommended intervention should be applied both among the prostitutes and sex consumers, in order to improve the rate of condom use in commercial sex activity.
Modern Preventive Medicine
Low-cost sites ,Male sex consumer, AIDS