对斯德哥尔摩公约及中国的履约情况进行说明,概述了此公约第二批受控物中的PFO S类氟表面活性剂的环境特性。介绍了泡沫灭火剂中所使用的氟表面活性剂的作用、结构与分类,并对其在泡沫灭火剂中的作用进行了阐述。针对我国消防行业尤其是灭火剂领域所面临的问题,提出了具有针对性的策略和建议。
We introduce the contents of the Stockholm Convention and review the fact that how did China fulfill the Convention. We summarize the environment characteristics of PFOS in the second control list of Stockholm Convention. The paper introduces the synthesizing and class of fluorinated surfactants using in foam extinguishing agent and explain uses of fluorinated surfactants in foam extinguishing agents. At the end of this paper according to problems facing Chinese fire protection industry especially extinguishing technology we put forward some strategies and advices.
Fire Science and Technology