In this paper,epidemiological distribution and trend on injuries of Chinese population are described,and at the same time,characters and proportion of injuries to the total deaths are analyzed according to data in National Disease Surveillance Point system(DSP). Some important injuries and variance in population by different sexes,age groups and places are analyzed in detailThe death rate on suicide of Chinese population is high,reaching 19. 58/105. The rate of suicide among females is higher than males, especially in female population of 20-34 age group, proportion is 46. 70% to female total suicide. Rate of suicide of old people is also very high,population of over 60 years olds. It counts 29. 72% to the total. The death rate due to transportation is going up,from 9. 82/105 in 1991 to 14. 32/105 in 1995, with an annual average incseasing ratio 7. 84%.Drowning is the majof cause of injuries for children of 0- 14 years old,proportion of their death is 56. 56% to the total death of drowning,46. 48% among them is children of 1-4 years old.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology