
锈蚀钢筋混凝土偏压构件剩余承载力研究 被引量:5

Study on Surplus Bearing Capacity of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Eccentric Compressive Components
摘要 目的研究锈蚀钢筋混凝土偏心受压构件的剩余承载力,为评价结构可靠度提供抗力模型.方法考虑了受压区混凝土强度的降低、钢筋性能退化等主要因素,基于应力图形和平衡条件对锈蚀大偏心受压构件的结构性能退化和破坏特征进行分析.结果导出了锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件的剩余承载力计算式.剩余承载力计算值与试验值之比平均值为1.021 6,说明计算式具有可靠的精度.结论受压区混凝土强度降低是影响锈蚀大偏心受压构件剩余承载力的主要因素之一.受压区混凝土的三向受力状态导致锈蚀偏心受压构件存在偏心转化问题. In order to provide the resisting force model for structure reliability evaluation, surplus bearing capacity of corroded reinforced concrete eccentric compressive components is studied. Considering compressive strength reduction in compression zone and the steel bar basic performance degeneration, based on the stress graph and the equilibrium condition, the corroded reinforced concrete eccentric compressive components were analyzed on structural performance degeneration and failure characters. Surplus bearing capacity formulas were derived. The average ratio of calculating data to testing data is 1. 021 6, which shows the formu- las have reliable precision. Compressive strength reduction in compression zone is one of the main factors which affect surplus bearing capacity of corroded reinforced concrete eccentric compressive components. The bi-directional stress condition in compression zone can result in eccentric transformation problem.
出处 《沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第1期58-61,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University:Natural Science
基金 辽宁省教育厅科研计划资助项目(20060705) 辽宁省重点实验室开放基金资助(JG-200610)
关键词 偏压构件 钢筋锈蚀 剩余承载力 混凝土抗压强度 eccentric component steel bar corrosion surplus bearing capacity concrete compressive strength
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