目的:探讨外部性脑积水(EH)的MR特点及临床应用价值。材料与方法:对62例资料较完整的EH进行回顾性分析。结果:特发性EH 24例(38.7%),继发于其他疾病38例(61.3%),其中与围产期有关24例(63.2%),与感染有关3例(7.9%),脑外伤1例(2.6%),佝偻病10例(26.3%)。EH MRI特点为:大脑半球叶间裂前部增宽(≥6mm),额顶区蛛网膜下腔对称性增宽(≥5mm),可伴额顶区脑沟回增宽加深,侧裂池及鞍上池增大,脑室不大或轻度扩大,VT/ST率小于15%。结论:MRI对EH的诊断、病程观察具有重要意义。
Purpose: To evaluate MRI diagnosis and clinical application in external hydrocephalus (EH). Materials and Methods:The complete clinical data of 62 cases of EH were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Among the 62 cases, 24 cases were diagnosed as idiopathic EH and 38 cases as secondary EH. Among the 38 cases, 24 cases were concerned with perinatal stage, 3 cases were concerned with infection, 1 case was the trauma of brain, 10 cases were rachitis. The characteristic MRI features of EH were as follows; Widening of the subarachnoid space in the bifrontoparictal (≥6mm), widening of the interhemlspheric (≥5nml), widening and deepening of the suleus and gyrus in the bifrontoparietal regions in some cases, widening and enlargement of the cistern of bilateral fossae and suprasellar cistern, little or slight enlargement of cerebral ventricles and , The ratio VT/ST was smaller than 15%. Conclusion: MR plays an important role in the diagnosis, observation of the patients with EH.
Modern Medical Imageology