
协作商务中基于BA无标度网络的核心企业自组织性解释 被引量:2

A Self-organization Explanation towards Core Firms in Collaborative Comerce Based on BA Scale-free Network
摘要 分布计算、知识管理和电子商务相互作用产生的协作商务与传统网络组织相比,存在合作关系更加紧密、对整个组织的协调和控制能力更强等特点。将协作商务看作是一个自组织系统,并分析指出其中的核心企业是组织内个体自发对决策权让度的结果,随后提出了一个BA无标度网络的拓展模型以描述协作商务网络的合作关系,并进行了数值模拟。研究表明,随着协作商务中个体间协作关系的纵向深化,整个协作网络将以更快的速度演化并加剧了节点度的不对称分布。 Emerging with distributed computing, knowledge management and electronic commerce, Collaborative Commerce (CC) is viewed as a new network organization with more integrated collaboration relationships and a more powerful core firm. This research takes CC as a self-organization system, where core firms are the result of serf-allocation of decision-making power in this network organization. Then we establish an extended BA Scale-Free network model to explain this collaboration relationship and conduct numerical simulation. This paper indeicates that, as the collaboration relationship between unites in CC turns out more integrated, the whole collaborative network will evolve with faster speed and the asymmetric degree distribution will be more significat. The result shows this extended model accords with emirical data more accurately than a general BA model and provides an explanation about the production and evolution of the core firms in CC based on self-organization.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期78-82,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 西安交通大学"985工程"二期资助项目(07200701)
关键词 电子商务 协作商务 自组织 无标度网络 electronic commerce collaborative commerce serf-organization scale-free network
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