在简要介绍 DX 桩概念及特点的基础上,结合一个工程实例,对现场静载试验数据和动测实测波形进行了分析。结果表明 DX 桩中的承力盘在整个加载过程中承担了相当一部分荷载;用 PTA 动测系统检测 DX 桩的桩身完整性,能较好地反映 DX 桩的真实特性。
Determining the ultimate capacity and load transfer characteristics of DX pile have been presented briefly. The relation on axial stress and axial displacements, interface friction resistance and pile caps resistance have been investigated by strain gauges on pile, which shows the effects of bearing ring on the capacity of the pile during the course of loading. The test results by using PTA (Pile Transfer function Analyser) system on pile integrity illustrates that, overall ,there is good agreement between experimental data and the reflective wave model predictions.
Building Technology Development