
无线多媒体传感器网络QoS路由算法研究 被引量:9

QoS routing algorithm for wireless multimedia sensor networks
摘要 由于廉价的CMOS摄像头、麦克风的出现,以及对含有丰富信息的图像、视频和音频信息需求导致了无线多媒体传感器网络(WMSN)的出现。WMSN具有资源有限、可变的信道容量、数据高度冗余等特点,使得WMSN的QoS路由具有极大的挑战性。提出了一种基于Mesh结构的WMSN,并在该结构体系下,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的QoS路由算法。实验研究表明,蚁群算法具有不依赖全局信息的优点,具有应用于WMSN的前景。实验同时表明,决定蚁群算法收敛速度以及会影响传感器网络性能的一些关键参数较难确定,需要进一步研究。 The application of low-cost CMOS cameras and microphones and the requirement of more information like image and video and sound have conduced the development of wireless multimedia sensor networks. Because there are several main peculiarities such as resource constraints, variable channel capacities that make QoS routing in wireless multimedia sensor network more challenging. Based on mesh architecture for wireless multimedia sensor network is presented. And an ant colony algorithm for QoS routing problem is presented. The experiment indicate the ant colony algorithm have foreground for the problem but there have some problems must to be resolved.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期360-363,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60672137) 湖北省教育厅重点研究基金项目(D200622003)
关键词 多媒体 无线传感器网络 服务质量 蚁群算法 路由 multimedia wireless sensor networks QoS ant colony algorithms routing
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