
实时三维超声心动图评价正常人右心室整体和局部功能的临床研究 被引量:5

Assessment of normal global and regional right ventricular function by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography
摘要 目的应用实时三维超声心动图(RT-3DE)技术评价正常人右心室整体和局部容积与功能。方法对36例正常人行三维容积成像,应用四维右心室定量分析法(4D-RVQ)测量右室流人道部、流出道部、心尖部和右室整体舒张末期容积、收缩末期容积及射血分数,并分别将各局部容积及射血分数行组间比较;将长轴8平面法(LA 8-plane)测量的右室整体容积及射血分数与上述相关指标行相关分析。结果4D-RVQ法与LA 8-plane法测量的右室整体舒张、收缩末期容积及整体射血分数相关良好(r值分别为0.96、0.93及0.81)。局部舒张、收缩末期容积测值从右室流人道部、心尖部到流出道部呈递减趋势。心尖部射血分数低于右室流出道部及流人道部测值,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论RT-3DE可准确评价右室整体及局部容积与功能,且右室局部收缩功能之间差异有统计学意义。 Objective To assess the global and regional right ventricular volume and function in healthy individuals using real-time three-dimensional ecbocardiograpby(RT-3DE). Methods RT-3DE were performed in 36 healthy individuals. Global right ventricular end diastolic/systolic volume (gRVEDV/ gRVESV), regional right ventricular end diastolic/systolic volume including inflow tract component (iRVEDV/iRVESV), outflow tract component (oRVEDV/oRVESV), apical component (aRVEDV/ aRVESV) ,global right ventricular ejection fraction (gRVEF) and regional right ventricular ejection fraction including three components which mentions above (iRVEF, oRVEF, aRVEF), were measured by 413-RVQ method. The regional parameters in different right ventricular components were compared respectively. The global parameters derived from 4D-RVQ were compared with the results of longitudinal axial 8 plane (LA 8- plane) measurements. Results gRVEDV,gRVESV and gRVEF obtained from 4D-RVQ method correlated significantly with LA 8-plane findings (r=0.96,0.93 and 0.81, respectively). Regional volume decreased progressively from inflow tract component, apical component to outflow tract component. Regional right ventricular ejection fraction was lower in the apical component than the inflow (P〈0.05) and outflow tract component (P〈0.05). Conclusions RT-3DE can assess the global and regional right ventricular volume and function accurately. The systolic function is different among each regional right ventricular.
出处 《中华超声影像学杂志》 CSCD 2008年第1期1-4,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography
关键词 超声心动描记术 实时三维 心室功能 Echocardiography,real-time three-dimensional Ventricular function,right
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