目的:通过研究肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)患者肝移植术后的血清甲胎蛋白(α-fetoprotein,AFP)的动态变化及下降过程中半衰期(T1/2)的长短与肝癌术后复发的关系,探讨AFPT1/2对预测移植术后HCC复发的临床价值。方法:回顾性分析我院58例术前血清AFP阳性(AFP>25μg/L),且超过Milan标准的HCC患者,观察肝移植手术后的AFP动态变化并计算其下降过程的T1/2,研究AFPT1/2与移植术后肝癌复发的相关性,评估AFP的T1/2对预测HCC移植术后复发的价值。结果:移植术后复发组的血清AFPT1/2要明显高于未复发组(P<0.01)。当AFPT1/2<6.5d时,移植术后肿瘤复发转移的概率较小,远期预后较好。当AFPT1/2>6.5d时,复发转移的发生率要明显高于前者。根据患者移植术后的AFP的动态变化分为3组,A组(血清AFP1个月内降至<25μg/L)、B组(血清AFP于2个月内降至25μg/L以下)和C组(AFP于2个月内始终未降至25μg/Ll以下或是下降后再次回升),结果显示C组的复发率(85.7%)要明显高于A组(20%)和B组(33.3%),P均<0.05;A组和B组之间没有明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:移植术后血清AFP的动态变化与肿瘤的复发密切相关。血清AFP的T1/2对于早期预测HCC肝移植术后的复发有重要价值。
Objective: To evaluate serum α-fetoprotein (AFP) half-life and tumor recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. Metheds:Serum AFP alterations of 58 HCC patients whose serum AFP were positive (AFP 〉 25 μg/L) before transplantation were followed-up following liver transplantation. Patients were divided into three groups according to the postoperative time of serum AFP below 25 μg/L, group A (within 1 month ),group B (within 2 months ) and group C (no decreasing or rising after decreasing). Results:The average half-life time of serum AFP of recurrence group was obvious longer than that of the non-recurrence group (P〈0.01). When the half-life of serum AFP was below 6.5 days, the recurrence rate was lower, and the prognosis was better. The recurrence rate in group C (85.7%) was higher than those in group A and group B (group C vs group A, P=0.009, group C vs group B, P=0.033). The recurrence rate between group A and group B was not significantly different (P=0.230). Conclusion: Serum AFP level had close correlation with tumor recurrence following liver transplantation in HCC patients.
Chinese Journal of Current Advances in General Surgery
Hepatic cellular carcinoma·Liver transplantation· α -fetoprotein·half-life