
三大趋势四项工作 调味品行业今年将更“鲜”——访中国调味品协会会长 卫祥云

An interview with Wei Xiangyun,director of China Condiment In-dustrial Association
摘要 近几年,我国调味品工业。取得了突飞猛进的发展,调味品行业逐渐被人们看好,工业总产值呈逐年上升趋势。调味品企业通过采用新工艺、新设备,创造新产品,并以严格的质量管理保证了产品质量,在增加品种的同时也使产品达到规模化生产。调味品目前最为主要的销售渠道就是餐饮,餐饮业的快速发展带动了调味品市场飞速发展。日前,记者就调味品行业当前的发展状况、 In recent years,the booming condiment industry has become very remarkable.At the beginning of 2008,the director of China Condiment Industrial Association,Mr Wei summa- rized the status and predicted the prospect in condiment industry. China condiment industry is stepping into a new era with important changes occuring.Firstly,more and more small compa- nies losing out from market become imperative with internationalization.Secondly,given that some multinationals and influential domestic firms have achieved remarkable success in China market,the competition is becoming increasingly furious that provides opportunity for large-scale production and brandization. Thirdly,because of the raw material price rising,food price rose in the last six months in 2007,but comparatively,condiment price did not rise substantially.In addition,popularity of compound products and specified products both became evident in the last year. The current China condiment market is occu- pied by Chinese old trade-names owners,multina- tionals and private enterprises.Com- paring with Chi- nese old trade-names and multinationals,private enterprises are usually weak in brand management. In 2008,a series of standards will be established or modified.Due to price rise in the last year,a criterion for condiment agency management becomes very necessary.That means further market adjustment is required to avoid illegal or over competition.Additionally,a national standard,Classifica- tion of Condiment has been released and implemented that will guide the industry further development. As a matter of fact,the condiment product is becoming diversified,compound,nutritional and healthy.Meanwhile, with equipment and technology upgrade,product quality is consequently enhancing.Also,competition is increasingly furious with foreign investment penetrating China market deeper.However,considering high brand loyalty,the famous brand will still dominate market in future. In addition,we should realize chicken bouillon is still not prevalent in China market.Actually,less than 10% glutamate is replaced by chicken bouillon,but the potential is considerable.
作者 李旻怡
出处 《中国食品工业》 2008年第1期13-14,共2页 China Food Industry








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