
相当因果关系理论的展开 被引量:123

The Development of Relative Causality Theory
摘要 法规目的说解决的并非因果关系问题,而是违法性问题。相当因果关系理论具备担当一般性因果关系理论的条件,其判断的是,行为对损害发生可能性的提升程度是否具有相当性。相当性判断以一定的知识量为背景,知识量的确定遵循"常人基础上的适度增加"之准则。诸多价值判断需要通过相当性判断来实现,而且,相当性具有程度的不同,责任的量应与相当性之程度相适应。 The scope of the nile theory aims not to resolve the causation problem, but the illegality problem.Adequate causation theory is equipped with the conditions for a general causation theory, it needs to give a judgment about whether the possibility of the damage occurred on the upgrading of considerable extent. Adequate judgement based on a certain amount of background knowledge, determination of knowledge follow the "modest increase on the basis of the ordinary person" nile. Many values need to achieve through the adequate judgment. Moreover, each adequation has different degree, the quantity of responsibility should be in line with the degree of the adequation.
作者 叶金强
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期34-51,共18页 China Legal Science
基金 德国洪堡基金会(Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)的资助
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