目的:探讨前列腺增生患者尿流动力学检查进行预防性应用抗菌药物的必要性。方法:采用前瞻性、随机对照的研究方法,将前列腺增生患者随机分为两组,对照组患者不进行预防给药;试验组患者预防给予头孢克洛,250 mg,口服,服药30~60 min后进行四道程尿流率检查。观察两组患者泌尿道感染发生情况。结果:试验组和对照组发生感染的例数有统计学差异(P<0.05),且两组不良反应发生率无统计学差异。结论:前列腺增生患者在四道程尿流率检查中,预防性应用头孢克洛能够有效防止患者在检查后所出现的泌尿道感染症状。
Objective: To discuse the necessity of prevention of using antibiotics on patients with prostatic hyperplasia in uredy- namic examination. Method: In a forward-looking randomized control study, patients with prostatic hyperplasia were divided into two groups, the patients in the control group should carry on pressttre-flow uredynamic examination without antibiotics, while the patienets in the trial group should carry on pressure-flow urodynamic examination after used cefaclor 250 mg, pe. And then the incidence of urethra infection was compared. Result: In the trial group and the control group, the incidence of infection had statistical difference, and adverse reactions in two groups had no remarkable difference. Conclusion: Preventing using cefaclor for the patients with prostatic hyperplasia in urodynamic examination is necessitive.
China Pharmacist