
全球治理视角下的《烟草控制框架性公约》研究 被引量:3

A Study of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control from the Perspective of Global Governance
摘要 《烟草控制框架性公约》具备了全球治理的特征,体现了对健康权这一人类基本价值和共同利益的认同;它超越传统主权观,加强对国家内部事务的调整;同时也要求建立国家国际层面上的多部门多层次合作机制。但是《烟草控制框架性公约》也深刻地反映了全球治理面临的主权制约因素,因此它充分尊重各成员方主权,采取各种方式来协调控烟与各国主权之间的关系。 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is an international law characteristic of global governance: recognize the health right that is the basic value and common interests of the human beings, transcend traditional sovereignty by strengthening the adjustment of domestic affairs, and require to establish a multi-sectoral cooperative mechanism. But at the same time the Framework reflects the sovereignty constraints that global governance is facing. So it is necessary to respect the sovereignty of all parties and takes every measure possible to coordinate the relationship between sovereignty of parties and tobacco control.
作者 陈颖健
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第1期40-45,共6页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 烟草控制框架性公约 全球治理 主权 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control global governance Sovereignty
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