Aim To investigate subcellular distribution and accumulation of ADR in the sensitive and multidrug-resistant HL-60 cells and its relation to muhidrug resistance. Methods The subcellular distribution and accumulation of ADR were studied by confocal scanning laser microscope and flow cytometry. The effects of verapamil, BSO, brefeldin A and chloroquine on ADR distribution and accumulation in HL-60/ADR cells were also examined. Rhodamine123, NBD-ceramide and neutral red were used as fluorescent the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and lysosomes respectively were used to identify the subcellular compartments where ADR was sequestered. Results In drug-sensitive cell line HL-60, ADR fluorescence distributed evenly in the nucleus and cytoplasm, while in muhidrug-resistant cell line HL-60/ADR, ADR fluorescence distributed in a punctated pattern in the cytoplasm and was reduced in the nucleus. The mode of ADR distribution in HL-60/ADR cells is highly similar to that of NBD-ceramide. BSO and brefeldin A,instead of verapamil and chloroquine could reverse the abnormal distribution and accumulation of ADR in HL-60/ ADR cells. Conclusions The change of ADR distribution and reduction of ADR accumulation in muhidrug-resistant cell line was involved in the mechanism of muhidrug resistance.
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin