
肿瘤坏死因子α对肾小管上皮细胞PPARγ及辅调节因子表达的影响 被引量:2

Regulation of the expression of PPARγ and its coregulators in renal tubular cells by tumor necrosis factor-α
摘要 目的:探讨在肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)介导的炎症反应中PPARγ及其辅调节因子,包括辅激活因子SRC/p160家族(steroid receptor coactivators/p16family,包括SRC-1、SRC-2、SRC-3)、PGC-1(PPARγcoactivator-1)以及辅抑制因子NCoR(Nuclear receptor corepressor)和单核细胞趋化因子(monocyte chemotactic protein,MCP-1)的表达水平变化,分析其中相互作用机制。方法:体外培养人肾小管上皮细胞(HK-2)。用TNF-α分别在不同浓度和不同时间点刺激HK-2细胞,收集细胞总mRNA和胞核蛋白。应用Real-time QPCR法和Western蛋白印迹法分别从mRNA水平和蛋白质水平检测PPARγ及其辅调节因子和单核细胞趋化因子(MCP-1)的表达变化。结果:在不同浓度的TNF-α(0~20ng/ml)刺激24h后,PPARγ、SRC-1、SRC-2、SRC-3和PGC-1均呈总体下调趋势(P〈0.05),同时NCoR和MCP-1呈显著上调(P〈0.05和P〈0.01)。选择10ng/ml TNF-α为最适刺激浓度,作用不同的时间(0~16h)。发现PPARγ、SRC-1和SRC-2的mRNA在刺激2h后出现显著下调(P〈0.05),分别是37%、35%和41%(P〈0.05);而SRC-3和PGC-1mRNA水平仅在刺激1h后就出现显著下调(P〈0.05),分别是53%和46%(P〈0.05);NCoR则在刺激16h后出现显著上调(约为对照组的2.16倍,P〈0.01),之后又缓慢下降;MCP-1在刺激0.5h时出现明显上调(为对照组的2.74倍,P〈0.05),4h时达到高峰(为对照组的11倍,P〈0.01)。West-ern蛋白印迹法观察到PPARγ和SRC-2在10ng/ml TNF-α刺激4h和2h后出现明显下降。结论:TNF-α可不同程度的抑制HK-2细胞PPARγ及几种辅激活因子(SRC-1、SRC-2、SRC-3、PGC-1)的表达,同时上调辅抑制因子(NCoR)和炎症介质MCP-1的表达。提示PPARγ及其辅调节因子积极参与炎症反应,并且可能在炎症过程中对PPARγ的表达发挥共同的调节作用。 ObjeCtive:To investigate the changes of PPARγ expression and its coregulators and monocyte chemotactic factor (MCP-1) treated with tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), thus to analysis the mechanism of interaction of these factors, nethodology:Renal tubular ceils (HK-2 ceils) were cultured in vitro. The total cellular RNA was isolated for real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-time-QPCR) and nuclear extracts were prepared for Western blot analysis after treated with TNF-α in different concentrations and time points. Results : Under stimulus of different concen- tration of TNF-α (0 -20ng/ml) for 24 hours, all of PPARγ,SRC-1 ,SRC-2,SRC-3 and PGC-1 mRNA expression showed obvious descending trend ( P 〈 0. 05 ), meanwhile, NCoR presented light increase ( P 〈 0. 05 ) and MCP-1 presented significant up-regulation (P 〈 0. 01 ). In time-dependent experiment, the levels of PPARγ,SRC-1 and SRC-2 mRNA were decreased 37% ,35% and 41% at 2 hours after treating with 10 ng/ml TNF-α (P 〈 0. 05). The levels of SRC-3 and PGC-1 mRNA were decreased 53% and 46% only after 1 h ( P 〈 0. 05 ). NCoR was not found obviously change until stimulated with TNF-α for 16 hours (nearly 2. 16 folds, P 〈0. 01), then decreased slowly. MCP-1 was increased at 0. 5 h and reach the peak at 4h ( nearly eleven folds, P 〈 0. 01 ). Western blot analysis showed that the proteins of PPARγ/and SRC-2 were significant decrease at 4h and 2h treated with TNF-α at 10ng/ml ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion: These data demonstrate that TNF-α can transparently down-regulate the expression of PPARγ/and PPAR's coactivators, meanwhile up-regulate the expression of PPAR's corepressor NCoR and MCP-1. It indicates that PPAR's coregulators may actively participate the inflammarion in kidney.
出处 《肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第6期532-537,共6页 Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270613 30771000) 上海市重点学科(T0201) 上海市卫生局重点学科基金(05Ⅲ001) 上海市卫生局重点课题(2003ZD002)
关键词 肿瘤坏死因子 过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(PPARγ) 辅调节因子 单核细胞趋化因子 tumor necrosis factor PPARγ/ coregulators monocyte chemotactic factor(MCP-1)
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