文中基于蓝牙协议体系结构,并结合移动终端系统硬件及软件体系结构特点,提出了一种适合在移动终端实现的蓝牙应用方案。通过UART由AT-CMD实现移动终端基带芯片与蓝牙芯片之间的通信,软件编程实现流程控制。0dbm系统PC Trace及应用测试结果证明了此方案的可行性及系统运行的稳定性。
Based on the Bluetooth protocol and the trait of mobile terminal system framework of software and hardware, a feasible scheme used in term of mobile terminal is put forward. By universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) and AT-CMI) the communication of mobile terminal database chip and Bluetooth chip is carried out. The scheme is testified feasible and steady by the result of PC Trace and using test in Odbm system.
Communications Technology