2US Department of State: Foreign Relations of the United States[J]. 1949, vol.v, 502-516.
3Jonathan Kwitny: Man of the Century[M]. Henry Holt and Company, 1997.
4"The Red and the Black" , News from the Iron Curtain, New York: Radio Free Europe, vol.2,no.2, February 1953: 27.
5Ronald C. Monticone: The Catholic Church in Communist Poland 1945-1985 Forty Years of Church-States Relations(M), Columbia University Press, 1986: 19.
6Public Papers of the President of the United States(PPPUS) (R), 1953: 616, 735-736.
8Carl. Bernstein: The Holy Alliance, Time[]]. February 24, 1992.
9Gordievsky and Andrew, More Instructions from the Centre, p48.
10Nigel West:The Third Secret: The CIA, Solidarity And The KGB's Plot To Kill The Pope(C), Harper Collins Lublishers, 2000: 214.