
不同地力水平上施磷量对中筋小麦产量与品质的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Phosphorus Application Rate on the Yield and Quality of Medium-gluten Wheat at Different Soil Fertility Levels
摘要 [目的]为优质高产淮南小麦的精确施肥提供理论依据。[方法]以中筋小麦扬麦11号为材料,研究不同地力水平上施磷量对小麦产量与品质的影响。[结果]低地力田随施磷量增加,小麦籽粒产量增加,施磷90.0kg/hm2时产量最高,为6763.5kg/hm2。中、高肥力田产量与施磷量呈二次曲线关系,均以施磷60.0kg/hm2时产量最高。同一地力的千粒重随施磷量增加逐渐降低,不同地力上千粒重表现为低地力最高(45.1g),高地力最低(42.1g)。低地力田施磷90.0kg/hm2、中高地力田施磷60.0kg/hm2时,扬麦11号各项品质指标均达到优质标准,符合优质中筋小麦高产优质要求。[结论]在适宜施氮量条件下,磷肥施用量对小麦产量有较大影响,对品质影响较小,低地力田施磷90.0kg/hm2、中高地力田施磷60.0kg/hm2时小麦产量较高,品质较优。 [Objective] The aim of the research was to provide theoretical basis for accurate fertilization of wheat with good quality and high yield in the southern region of Huaihe River. [Method] With medium -gluten wheat variety Yangmai 11 as materials, the effects of phosphorus application rate on the yield and quality of wheat at different soil fertility level levels were studied. [Result] The grain yield of wheat in the field with low soil fertility was increased with the increment of phosphorus application rate and the yield at the phosphorus application rate of 90.0 kg/ hm^2 was highest, being 6 763.5 kg/hm^2. The yield of wheat in the field with the medium-high fertility and phosphorus application rate showed the relationship of quadratic curve and both of them at the phosphorus application rate of 60.0 kg/hm^2 were highest. 1 000-grain weight in the field with the same soil fertility was decreased with the increment of phosphorus application amount. While 1 000 -grain weight in the field with different soil fertility showed highest (45.1 g) in the field with low soil fertility and lowest (42.1 g)in the field with high soil fertility. When the phosphorus application rate was 90.0 kg/hm^2 in the field with low soil fertility and 60.0 kg/hm^2 in the field with medium -high soil fertility, each quality index of Yangmai 11 all reached the good-quality standards and accorded with the requirements of high yield and good quality for high-quality medium -gluten wheat. [Conclusion] Under the conditions of suitable phosphorus application amount, the application rate of phosphorus fertilizer had greater effects on the yield of wheat and smaller effects on the quality. When phosphorus application rate was 90.0 kg/hm^2 in the field with low soil fertility and 60 kg/hm^2 in the field with medium-high soil fertility, the yield of wheat was higher and the quality was better.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期468-470,549,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家科技部测土配方施肥项目
关键词 小麦 磷肥 地力水平 产量 品质 Wheat Phosphorusfertilizer Soilfertilitylevel Yield Quality
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