[目的]选择白萝卜变异株,培育白萝卜多倍体品种。[方法]以品种P1(短叶青)、P2(浙大长)、P3(南畔洲),秋水仙素浓度A1(0.02%)、A2(0.04%)、A3(0.08%),时间T1(24 h)、T2(48 h)、T3(72 h)组成27个处理,比较植株形态,显微镜下观察叶片气孔保卫细胞数量和花粉粒染色情况。[结果]各处理均有不同程度的变异,3个品种的植株变异率依次为P1>P2>P3,处理时间对变异率没有明显影响。各处理变异株的叶片气孔数均低于对照,保卫细胞大于对照。各处理的变异株经过一段时间生长之后,变异株数显著减少,即存在变异退化现象。P3A1T3-2、P3A2T1-1、P3A3T1-4、P3A3T2-6号的花粉粒在碘化钾作用下都不能够染色。[结论]秋水仙素浓度越高,白萝卜的变异率越高。P3A1T3-2、P3A2T1-1、P3A3T1-4、P3A3T2-6号是变异株。
[ Objective] The purpose was to select the variant plant of white radish so as to breed its polyploid variety, [ Method] 27 treatments were composed with varieties P1(Duanyeqing), P2(Zhedachang), P3(Nanpanzhou) ; colchicine concentrations A1(0.02%), A2(0.04%), A3(0.08%) and time T1(24 h), T2(48 h), T3(72 h), The plant shapes were compared and the quantity of stomata guard cells in leaf and the coloration of pollen grains were observed under microscope. [Result] There were differences to different degrees in each treatment, the plant variant rates of 3 varieties were P1 〉 P2 〉 P3, and treating time had no obvious influence on variant rate, All the stomata numbers in leaf of variant plants in each treatment were lower than that in CK, with guard cells being bigger that CK. After the variant plants from each treatment grew for a period of time, the variant plant number decreased significantly, showing the degradation phenomena of variance, All the pollen grains of P3A1T3-2、P3A2T1、P3A3T1-4、 and P3A3T2-6 couldn't be colorated under the function of potassium iodide. [ Conclusion] The higher the eolehieine concentration was, the higher the variant rate of white radish was,P3A1T3-2、P3A2T1、P3A3T1-4、P3A3T2-6 were variant plants,
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
White radish
Experimental study