
基于新的群签名的密封式电子拍卖方案 被引量:2

Sealed-bid electronic auction scheme based on new group signature
摘要 利用一个基于分层身份思想和双线性映射的群签名,提出了一个新的安全高效的密封式电子拍卖方案。该方案除满足投标者的匿名性、健壮性、中标者的不可抵赖性和公开可验证性等一般安全性要求外,还具有步骤简略、构造方便、通信量和计算量小等特点。同时该方案实现了简单的可撤销和一次注册、多次拍卖的特性。 With the help of a group signature based on Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature (HIBS) and bilinear map, a new secure and efficient sealed-bid electronic auction scheme was presented. The scheme not only fulfilled the common security requirements, such as the anonymity of bidders, robustness, non-repudiation of the winner and public verifiability, but also had some other characteristics: compendiary steps, convenient construction, low cost of communications and computation, etc. Meanwhile, the scheme realized simple revocation, one-registration, and many times bidding.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期813-815,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 密封式电子拍卖 群签名 基于身份 双线性映射 多次拍卖 sealed-bid electronic auction group signature identity-based bilinear map many times bidding
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