
Mobile Ad Hoc网络覆盖组播路由协议

Overlay multicasting routing protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 移动自组网(Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)是一种特殊的、应用前景广阔的新型移动无线网络。在AdHoc网络体系中,路由技术至关重要。覆盖组播(Overlay multicast)路由协议是解决组播路由协议的一种有效的方案,是在物理链路上构建一个虚拟或者是逻辑的网络,其中的每个虚拟连接都是下层的物理链路的单播通道。主要是从如何构建一个覆盖组播的角度系统地描述了当前典型的覆盖组播路由算法,并比较和分析了这些算法的特点和适应情况。最后结合该领域当前研究现状,指出覆盖组播路由算法未来的研究重点。 Mobile Ad Hoe Networks (MANET) are new kind of special mobile networks,which have good prospect of widely application. Routing technology is pivotal in the architecture of MANET. Overlay multicasting is one of effective solutions for the multicasting problems. It is a computer networks which is built on top of another network. Nodes in the overlay can be thought of as being connected by virtual or logical links. Each of which corresponds to a unicast path through many physical links in the underlying network. It was introduced how to construct an overlay multicasting and recent overlay multicasting routing algorithms were described,and their characteristics and application areas were compared. Finally, combined the current research situation in this area, the future research emphasis of overlay muhicasting routing algorithm is pointed out.
出处 《鞍山科技大学学报》 CAS 2007年第6期600-605,共6页 Journal of Anshan University of Science and Technology
关键词 移动自组网 覆盖组播 单播 MANET overlay multicast unicast
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