Objective: To investigate the proper surgical method and timing for the treatment of obstetrical palsy in which upper trunk neuroma was found to be conductive by intraoperative EMG study. Methods: Two operative fashions were used in 26 patients of upper trunk type OBPP. Neurolization or nerve grafting were operation of choise in 10 patients whose upper trunk innervating muscles didn't show any sign of recovery at 3 months of age. Another 16 patients underwent neurolysis when they were 1.1~1.8 year's old. The muscle power in this group was MRC grade two. Results: 7 cases of the 3 months' old group had a good to excellent result at a 16.3 months follow up period, amounting to 70%. The result of the later neurolysis group was not satisfying after 19.8 months of follow up. There was no obvious increment of the muscle power. Conclusions: Neurolysis can not improve the shoulder and elbow function while the better results were found after nerve transfer or grafting in the early stage. When there is no recovery of the biceps at 3 months after birth, surgical intervention is indicated. The neuroma of the upper trunk should be resected, and nerve transfer or nerve grafting be done even if the intraoperative EMG suggests conductibility of the neuroma.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery
Paralysis,obstetric Peripheral never Neuroma Nerve transfer Treatment outcome