为改善功率变换器的功率因数,提出一种双绕组反激式单级功率因数校正PFC(Power Factor Correction)变换拓扑。该拓扑由Boost PFC电路和具有串并联结构的双绕组反激变换电路组合而成,利用2个中间储能电容吸收变压器初级绕组的漏感能量,有效地抑制功率器件的电压应力,提高变换器的可靠性。详细分析了变换器的工作原理和稳态特性,并在传统的单电压环控制方法的基础上,将整流电压引入到控制电路,提出了一种简单的电压补偿控制方法来提高变换器的功率因数、降低输入电流的总谐波畸变率。设计制作了一台150 W/24 V实验样机,实验结果验证了所提出电路原理的正确性和采用电压补偿控制方法改善输入电流波形质量的有效性。
A single- stage PFC (Power Factor Correction) converter with dual-winding flyback is proposed converter for improving its power factor,which combines Boost PFC circuit with dual-winding flyback with serial-parallel connection. Two intermediate capacitors are used to absorb the leakage inductice energy of transformer primary windings for effective suppressing the voltage stress of power devices and enhancing the reliability of converter. Its basic principle and steady-state performance are discussed. Based on the conventional single voltage- loop control method,a simple voltage compensation control method is proposed to improve its power factor and reduce total harmonic distortion by introducing the rectified voltage to the control circuit. A 150 W/24 V prototype is designed and the experimental results show its correctness in principle and effectiveness in input current improvement.
Electric Power Automation Equipment