In examining for health on 88716 cases of catering trade from 1984 to 1994 in Rizhao City,the HbsAg carried rate was 2 99%.It was more in city than in country,and male than femal.The tendency of HBsAg carried rate cut down with increasing age.The rate of provisions shops in different cater lines was the highest that was 8 75%.The HBsAg positive rate cut down from 5 12% in 1984 to 2 42% in 1994.In 490 cases HBsAg carried,the HBsAg positive rate was 13 06%,anti HBe was 10 00%.It shows that is very necessary for catering trade to be examind for health every year and for the positive case to be transfferved from work with treated.
Modern Preventive Medicine