
微致动器用于翼面流场主动控制规律研究 被引量:1

Mechanism of Active Flow Control Using Micro Actuators
摘要 面向主动流动控制研发了气泡型微致动器及其阵列技术和MEMS合成射流器技术.对气泡型微致动器参与下的飞行器翼面流场进行了数值模拟,并结合翼型开展了风洞实验,研究了气泡型微致动器对气动性能的影响规律.阐述了微型合成射流器及其微流场特性,研究了合成射流抑制失速、提高升力的机理.结果表明,在翼型上对微致动器进行合理布置,采用适当的控制参数,可以实现对翼面绕流的有益主动控制,达到增加升力、改善失速特性等目的. Based on MEMS technology, micro balloon actuator arrays and synthetic jets were developed for active control of flow over an airfoil. Numerical simulation and wind tunnel tests were carried out to evaluate the control capability of micro balloon actuator. And, the influence mechanism of micro balloon actuators on aerodynamic performance of airfoil was studied. Meanwhile, micromachined synthetic jets and their microfluidic characteristics were described to express the lift-increase mechanism of synthetic jets. The research on two kinds of micro actuators shows that active flow control goals, such as lift-increase and stall characteristics improvement, can be achieved, at the activation of micro actuators at suitable positions on the airfoil surface with appropriate control parameters.
出处 《纳米技术与精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期24-28,共5页 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
基金 航空基金资助项目(04I53074)
关键词 主动流动控制 气泡型微致动器 微型合成射流器 active flow control micro balloon actuator micromachined synthetic jets
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