

A Wide-Neighborhood Interior-Point Algorithm for the P_*(κ)-Matrix Linear Complementarity Problem
摘要 基于线性规划宽邻域内点算法的基本思想,对P*(κ)阵线性互补问题提出了一种基于宽邻域N∞-(β)的势函数约减算法.该算法的每一次迭代都通过求解一个线性方程组得到迭代方向,并利用势函数来选取步长,使得迭代前后势函数按一固定量减少,从而使对偶间隙有固定的减少.证明了算法的迭代复杂性为O((κ+1)nt). This paper describes a new wide-neighborhood potential reduction interior-point algorithm for P* (κ)-matrix linear complementarity problem, using the neighborhood N∞^-(β) which is much wider. The algorithm is based on the idea of wide-neighborhood algorithm for linear programming. At each iteration, search direction can be computed as a solution of a linear system, and uses a potential function to choose a step size, so this algorithm decreases the potential function by a fixed amount, under the condition that the duality gap decreases at the same. Finally, we prove that its iteration complexity is O( (κ+ 1) nt) under general conditions.
机构地区 三峡大学理学院
出处 《武汉大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期5-8,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University:Natural Science Edition
基金 湖北省教育厅自然科学重点科研基金(D200613009)资助项目
关键词 P*(κ)阵线性互补问题 内点算法 宽邻域 势函数 多项式复杂性 P* (κ)-matrix linear complementarity problem interior-point algorithms wide-neighbor- hoods potential reductions polynomial complexity
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