
浅析美国核不扩散政策的深层悖论——以美印核关系为案例 被引量:1

The Paradox of the US Nonproliferation Policy: A Case Study of the US-Indian Nuclear Relations
摘要 核不扩散政策自冷战时期以来一直是美国国家安全战略中的重要组成部分。在印度早期核计划中,虽然美国试图推行核不扩散政策,但最终美国出于战略因素考量,对印度进行了事实上的核扩散。1947—1963年间的美印核关系与2005年后的美印核合作关系揭示出美国核不扩散政策的深层悖论:战略安全利益与核不扩散利益之间的内在紧张与冲突。美国着眼于短期利益的举动必将最终损害自身安全与地区的长期战略稳定。 Since the Cold War era, US nonproliferation policy has been one of the important components of its national security strategy. However, in the early Indian nuclear plan, though the US tried to implement its nonproliferation policy, due to strategic consideration, the US finally did de facto nuclear proliferation to India. The case of US-Indian nuclear relationship during 1947-1963 and bilateral nuclear deal after 2005 indicate the paradox of the US nonproliferation policy: the intense contradiction between its strategic interests and nonproliferation ends. US short-term compromise on its nonproliferation aim would do harm to its own long-term security interests and deteriorate long-term regional strategic stability.
作者 赵品宇
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期19-23,共5页 International Forum
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  • 1The Evolution of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime, 1945- 1970, in MCIS CNS NPT Briefing Book, April 2005 Edition, Published by the Mountbatten Centre for International Studies with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, http://cns. mils. edu/research/npt/briefingbook_ 2005/index. htm.
  • 2Brahma Chellaney,“South Asia's Passage to Nuclear Power,” International Security, Summer 1991; Sumit Ganguly, “India's Pathway to Pokhran Second: The Prospects and Sources of New Delhi's Nuclear Weapons Program,” International Security, Vol. 23, No.4 (Spring 1999).
  • 3George Perkovich, India's Nuclear Bomb : The Impact on Global Proliferation, University of-California Press, 1999, p. 59.
  • 4滕建群.《军事观察:50年来印度核武器发展政策的演变》,http://military.people.com.cn/GB/8221/51756/43240/43241/4347067.html.
  • 5Praful Bidwai and Achin Vanaik, "The Evolution of India's Nuclear Policy", in New Nukes : India, Pakistan and Global Nuclear Disarmament, Olive Branch Press (New York), 2000, p. 57.
  • 6George Perkovich, India's Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation, p. 22; p. 50; p. 52.
  • 7“Nudear WeaponArchivc”网站,网址http://nuclear-weaponarchive/India/IndiaArsenal.html.
  • 8滕建群.《军事观察:50年来印度核武器发展政策的演变》.
  • 9U.S. Government Aide Memoire Presented to Indian Atomic Energy Commission, November 16, 1970, in Historical Documents Regarding India's Misuse of Civilian Nuclear Technology Assistance. See http://www. armscontrol. org/country/india/Historic_Documents_India_Nuclear_Test. asp.
  • 10Joseph Cirincione, Jon B. Wolfsthal, Miriam Rajkurnar, Deadly Arsenals : Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2005, p. 235.


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  • 6Harald Muller, David Fischer and Wolfgang Kotter, Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Global Order, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, p. 22.
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  • 10"The Nuclear Suppliers Group: Its Origins. Role and Activities".









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