3ADOLF REICHWEIN,China and Europe[M]. Routledge, 1996, p.77.
4K. JASPERS,The Origin and Goal of History[M].trans. M. Bullock, Yale University Press, New York,1953, pp. 19, xv.
5H. FINGARETTE,Confucius: The Secular as Sacred[M]. Harper Torchbooks, New York, 1972, p.19.
6DIEHLS & KRANZ, Die Fragmente tier Vorsokratiker[M]. 10th, ed.., 1961, 10e 4; DIOGENES LAERTIUS, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Loeb Classical Library, vol. one, 1.36.
7G, VLASTOS, "The Unity of the Virtues in the Protagoras ,", Socrates, Critical Assessments, [M], vol. IV,ed. by W. Prior, Routeledge, 1996, p.47,.
8T. PENNER "The Unity of Virtue", Socrates : Critical Assessments[M]. vol. IV, ed. by W, Prior, Routeledge, 1996, pp.81-2.
9A. H. CHROUS. "Socrates: A Source Problem",Socrates: Critical Assessments, vol. I, ed. by W.Prior, Routeledge, 1996, pp.46-7.
10XENOPHON, Memorabilia, Bk. Ⅲ, ch. ix, sec. 5,trans, by .I.S. Watson, ed. by A. D. Lindsay, in Socrates Discourses by Plato and Xenophen, J. M.Dent & Sons, London, 1930,.