
血清resistin与单纯肥胖或代谢综合征的关系 被引量:3

The relationship between serum resistin and isolated-obesity or metabolic syndrome
摘要 目的研究单纯肥胖或代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)患者血清抵抗素(resistin)的水平与健康对照者比较是否有差别,从而确定血清resistin与单纯肥胖或代谢综合征是否相关。方法健康对照者54例,单纯肥胖60例,均为2005—2006年在我院进行体检的志愿者;代谢综合征患者58例,为2005~2006年在我院就诊的符合IDF关于代谢综合征诊断标准的患者,由专人记录并测定受试者的年龄、性别、身高、体重、腰围、臀围及血压等临床资料。采集受试者外周静脉血,测定空腹血糖、血脂、resisfin、胰岛素原(PI)、真胰岛素(TI)、胰高血糖素,并计算BMI、WHR、BF、PI/TI、HOMA.IR指数。结果正常人、单纯肥胖、代谢综合征患者血清中resistin的水平无统计学差异。结论血清resistin水平可能不是联系肥胖、胰岛素抵抗及代谢综合征的主要纽带。 Objective To research the relationship between serum resistin and isolated-obesity or metabolic syndrome (MS).Methods Fifty-four healthy subjects and sixty patients with isolated-obesity came from volunteers who accepted health examination from 2005 to 2006 in our hospital. According to IDF standards, fiftyeight MS in our hospital during 2005 - 2006 took part in our study. Clinical information was recorded by special person. Fasting glucose, lipid, resistin, PI, TI, glueagon were measured and BMI, WHR, BF, PI/TI, HOMA-IR were tested. Results No significant difference was found among healthy persons and patients with isolatedobesity or MS.Conclusion Serum level of resistin may not be related to obesity,insulin-resistance or MS.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第1期60-62,66,共4页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
基金 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(11511172) 哈尔滨医科大学第二临床医学院青年基金研究项目(2005-01)
关键词 肥胖 血清抵抗素 代谢综合征 obesity resistin metabolie syndrome
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