
我国流域水市场的制度研究思路 被引量:5

A Study on Water Market of Watershed system in China
摘要 本文针对我国流域水资源管理的现状和引入流域水市场的必要性,对国内外流域水市场研究的文献进行了系统综述,同时系统分析了我国流域水市场研究中存在的问题和建立流域水市场所面临的约束因素。在此基础上,结合流域水市场的研究趋势,归纳、提炼出我国水市场研究的主要问题与内容。最后,提出应在方法论的整合基础上,以我国流域的特殊性为视角展开研究。 Due to problems existed in management of water resource and need for water market of river valley in China, papers on market of water in watershed are reviewed in this paper. Meanwhile, question which existed in research of water market in China and the constraint to water market is analyzed in this paper. Then, according to mainstream direct of research, future main research context of water market of watershed in China is put forward. Finally, it is proposed that: 1) methodology of study should be integrated; 2) study should be based on particularity of China.
作者 彭新育
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期57-60,68,共5页 Ecological Economy
基金 广东自然科学基金资助(编号:031452) 广东省普通高校人文社会科学"十五"规划项目资助(编号:04ZD63003)
关键词 流域 水市场 制度研究 watershed water market institutional study
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