

Image correspondence based speed feature descriptor.
摘要 基于一种快速鲁棒特征描述子进行图像特征点之间的匹配。此方法基于积分图像,使用快速Hessian检测子来提取图像特征点。对每个特征点,通过计算Haar小波,来寻找它的主方向。然后构造窗口区域,以主方向和与主方向垂直的方向上的小波和来描述特征点。最后以特征描述向量的距离为标准寻找不同图像之间的特征匹配。 This paper proposes a method about image correspondence based on a speed robust feature descriptor.This relies on integral images and Fast-Hessian detector to extract interest points.For each feature point,the dominant orientation is assigned by computing Haar-wavelet responses.Based on these orientations constructing a window around the feature point,the feature points are deerypted by the sum of Haar-wavelet responses on the domination orientation and the verticality.Image correspondences are made based on distance between these descriptors.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期86-88,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60473038)
关键词 图像匹配 积分图像 快速Hessian检测子 快速鲁棒特征描述子 image correspondence integral image Fast-Hessian detector speed up robust feature descriptor
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