讨论以WebService XML技术为开发核心开发的农药标签采集管理系统的具体实现和应用。以WebService XML技术开发的农药标签采集管理系统较好地实现了农药标签的逐级审核,并在因特网上对外公布。截至到2007年12月以对外公布了近19000个审批合格标签。该系统的最终建立对于加强农药市场的规范,提高农药执法人员的执法准度,以及方便广大农民更好地辨别农药产品的真伪起到积极的作用。
This article will focus on the foundation and application of the system for collecting and managing the pesticide label. WebService XML is primary for the foundation of this system. This system based on WebService, can accomplish the regulation of pesticide label stage by stage, and the results have been published in net. Up to December 2007, there are nearly 19000 labels, which pass though the registration, to be published. The foundation of this system is a great benefit on strengthening the standardization of pesticide market, improving the veracity of enforcement, and also assists the farms to identify the faking pesticides.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin