采用U-Boot 1.1.2构建嵌入式系统的引导加载程序。在对U-Boot的启动工作机理和源码主要函数功能进行了简略分析后,针对基于AT91RM9200的目标板对U-Boot作了具体的修改和移植,并讲述如何设置环境变量,从而引导Linux内核启动。应用结果表明,移植后的U-Boot在目标板上运行良好,可成功引导Linux内核。
A bootloader for embedded system is developed with the U - Boot 1.1, 2. After analyzing the booting mechanism of U- Boot and the function of sound code, the modification and porting in an embedded system board based on AT91RM9200 are done in detail,with environment variable settings and consequent Linux kernel booting process. The application shows that U- Boot runs well and can lead Linux kernel successfully.
Modern Electronics Technique